About the University

Here you will find the information about all 7 houses and their founders, the point system we're implementing and event ideas

House of Envy - Invidia

House of Envy, most commonly known as Invidia was founded by Chris, a man who is the epitome of rags to riches. Having grown up poor with a single mother who was an alcoholic Chris had always been envious of others, how they had money and happy lives, how they could feel safe and happy at home unlike him. So he did everything he could, he fought, he stole he just didn't kill, there was no need to. He began as an underground boxer who later got picked up to be a rich boy's bodyguard. He hated Edward and his privileged lifestyle and wanted everything the other had. Going as far as buying a house next to Edward's and making it look like a copy both in and out.
He created Invidia for the poorer kids who didn't have as many chances and were willing to do anything, he teaches management, negotiation tricks, street smarts, information gathering, blackmail negotiations, and handy tricks he used to climb to the top and stay there. Due to their curriculum those with a more morally grey personality end up being hired by agencies for infomation gathering, while the morally corrupt are preferred by mafias and gangs.
People from the House of Envy belong to the lower class, they're morally grey or corrupt, driven by their envy and desire, they're headstrong and focused, they're also goal oriented and quick-witted. There's no place for fully righteous people or those with a strong sense of justice. This is more a house of anti-heroes. They're dubbed as the 'misfits' for being rougher around the edges. So they decided to hold not so secret exclusive raves. No snitches or goody-two-shoes allowed, no one is allowed to talk about them outside of the parties.Well, if you're from Superbia you're going to be barred from entry to the dorm on party nights.
Chris got along better with Francesca and Eric, Francesca because of her laid-back nature and Eric over their desires for more. And thus, Invidia gets along well with Acedia and Avaritia. However they rarely get along with Superbia as they are often the object of their envy.

House of Gluttony - Gula

House of Gluttony, more commonly referred to as Gula was founded by Emilia, being the daughter of a 2 Michelin-star chef who was constantly trying to innovate to get the coveted third star her palate was always like no one else's, something she worked on improving as she tried to help her father. She's always in a good mood and eager to learn. She founded the House of Gluttony - Gula to inspire the younger generations into being detailed in their research, although there are many chefs in Gula and they throw the best banquets, there are smaller clubs inside the House of Gluttony for those who are eager to learn.
People from Gula are eager, inquisitive, a bit meddling, good-natured and usually either cook really well or eat really well, but if you do make fun of their interests or research you will be blacklisted.
As Emilia was sort of the mother of the group she got along with everyone and thus Gula ended up becoming a safe space for everyone. They don't have any problems with anyone, even if people from Ira might find them too meddlesome.

House of Greed - Avaritia

The House of Greed, more commonly known as Avaritia was founded by Eric, an adventurous man. Born in a coastal town from a family of fishermen he always had an appetite for adventure and the sea. He grew up with many stories of the sea and was fascinated by the stories and life of pirates, that's what he wanted to be. He learnt all the tricks of survival and even went to training camps to build up a resistant and tough body. So when he was 18 he took one of his father's boats and went in search of adventure, he found fellow treasure hunters and grew greedier by the day, wanting more, more fun, more adventure, more treasure, more of all the highs life had to offer.
When he returned and met the others his body was already battered and bruised, convinced to channel his greed into helping others he created the House of Greed, Avaritia where there was a lot of physical work, a huge gym and boot camp, survival skill lessons, classes on ancient languages and map reading, and many classes focused on discovering and adding information to lost or old research. It's a more practical work and exploring sights house, that's why it's very empty to the eyes of outsiders. You can have Greed for many things, even if your focus isn't adventure or ancient things you can have personalised classes to fit your interests.
People from Avaritia are inquisitive, adventurous, focused, insatiable to their interests, meddling, full of life and not afraid to go down rougher paths or use shady methods
Due to a similar focus on their desires Avaritia gets along the best with people from Invidia. Due to their nature of always striving for more and working as hard as they can to achieve it, they don't understand people from Acedia much like their founder didn't understand Francesca's way of thinking.

House of Lust - Luxuria

The House of Lust, more commonnly known as Luxuria was founded by Valentina, she was hailed as the incarnation of a succubus due to her overflowing charm. A key point in everyone who became a part of the House of Lust. She used to be a prostitute who then became the owner of the brothel, wanting to give better lives to the people working for her she decided to found Luxuria to protect sex workers and teach the tricks of seduction and how to charm anyone into giving you what you want. Being in Luxuria doesn't mean you have to become a sex worker in the future as the curriculum grew to also teach beauty tips for hair, make-up and nails, fashion design,advice and creation, jewelry making and various artistic fields such as dance, sculpture, singing, etc.
Students who enter the House of Lust are generally very charming, extroverted, sociable, artistic, sweet talkers and constantly catch people's attention. Though they can also be divas, narcissistic and egomaniacs.
Due to Valentina's sibling-like relationship with Edward, Luxuria and Superbia students often get along and help each other. Meanwhile, Luxuria and Acedia don't really get along as Valentina found Francesca a very lazy lover, she does, however, applaud anyone from the House of Lust who can have a healthy long-term relationship with someone from the House of Sloth because while she loved Francesca she just couldn't handle the lack of attention and effort from Francesca's side.

House of Pride - Superbia

Edward came from a very rich family, as the only son he was always pampered and grew up having everything he wanted. He was exceptionally smart and had great looks which made him have pride in how perfect he was.
He also had the ability to see the best in everyone so he established the House of Pride, Superbia to teach the children of the upper class how to discern who wants to take advantage of them and who they can trust as well as discover what their best qualities are so they could take pride in themselves as well as skills they would need in life. There is also a special course for the heirs of big families on how to manage their time, not get influenced by pressure and tips on how to succeed on their specific field. His motto was "You can act like the best when you are indeed the best".
People from the House of Pride are, for the most part children of the richest families, although if you have the brain and potential you can be accepted even if you aren't as wealthy. They are good at seeing through people's intentions, sociable, ruthless and decisive.
Due to the sibling-like relationship with Valentina people from Superbia usually get along well with the people from Luxuria. However, tensions are high between Superbia and Invidia stemming from the difference in values and the fact that Edward found Chris' envy of him very annoying

House of Sloth - Acedia

The founder of the House of Sloth, more commonly known as Acedia, Francesca, was always a very laid-back and easy-going person, perhaps too much in the eyes of others but she just wanted to take it easy. Everyone around her was too complicated and lived too fast and they all seemed so unhappy, so might as well take it slow and easy, that was her logic. It didn't work well for everything obviously, but as she still felt the pros outweighed the cons.
She decided to create the house of Sloth to share her philosophy, she wanted to create a legacy of knowing your when to stop and relax, explore your hobbies and not take everything too seriously, there are also frequent sessions of meditation, sleepovers and workshops on relaxing. People from Acedia are easy-going and chill, they always want to help but still put their own comfort and happiness above others. While there is a stereotype that people who enter the House of Sloth become or are stoners that doesn't mean it's everyone, and there are still things to learn. Besides, Acedia has the best sleepover parties.
Due to the fallout between Francesca and Valentina many would think peole from Acedia wouldn't like Luxuria but they're usually chill, although a bit creeped out by the antics of the residents of the House of Lust. They get along with everyone though, as Acedia is seen as a place for relaxation.

House of Wrath - Ira

The House of Wrath, more commonly known as Ira was founded by Eris. Eris was born during a war in her country, so from a very young age she saw the worse humanity had to offer. Growing up in that environment she decided to become a soldier herself, but unfortunately due to an accident she had to be discharged due to incapacitation.
Now with an injury, no fate in humanity and no other job she could think of to have she started a downwards spiral. Meeting the others was her salvation of sorts, Chris and Eric had dealt with similar symptoms as her and although theirs didn't involve war they still helped Eris a lot, and Emilia's motherly nature was something Eris had forgotten.
Eris created Ira for those either going through tough times and for those who want to help. With psychology and sociology classes, anger management workshops and various sports fields for the students to let out their steam and learn how to depend on others as well.
Students from the house of Wrath can be sometimes problematic, but they are usually kind-hearted, helpful and in need of a hug.
Usually people from Ira and Invidia get along well being dubbed the "misfits" and "problematic" by those who don't bother to get to know them has given the two houses a sense of comradery. As for the other houses it relly depends on the person, Eris got along with everyone even if she had quite a few squabbles with Edward, so there aren't any big tensions between Ira and the other houses.

Point system

This roleplay will have a point system for perks:
To host a House party - 20 points
To host a party between two or more Houses - 20 points per house
To temporarily (7 days) visit another House - 50 points
Get a 1 person room - 100 points (each dorm has 5 individual rooms)
To permanently switch houses (while keeping your muse the same) - 150 points

How to get points

You get points from threads, posts and comments
Per comment on a feed post - 1 point (but please also comment on posts from people outside your House)
Per feed post - 2 points
Per thread - 3 points (self paras count 3 points, completed threads get a 5 point bonus)


The project for 7in started in Europe and was so successful it expanded throughout the world. Given that there are a lot of student exchange programs for events everyone will be going on trips to other countries and if there are faceclaims from those countries we could maybe choose a representative from each house to help plan the trip.

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